Quietstone was used at both entrances of the Dublin Port Tunnel to control the noise levels experienced by near by residents. This was our first tunnel project and proved the suitability of our materials.
The pressure changes experienced at the entrance of a tunnel, particularly when used by articulated vehicles can cause a serious noise problem when residential properties are in the near vicinity.
The engineers working on the environmental impact assessments for the project deamed that this issue would be prevalent here, particularly as the start of the tunnel has parallel surfaces, adding to the effect.
Quietstone Light was used at the start of the tunnel as no other sound absorber would be able to withstand the pressure changes while providing high sound absorption, long life-span and non-combustibility. Since the project, we have developed Quietstone FMS which provides the same advantages but with increased fire safety.
Nab Quarry, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 5SD