Sound Insulation is one of the key properties of Quietstone. Whether your requirement is for an indoor or outdoor noise barrier we have a range of products suitable for any sound insulation project. We supply barrier sheets for partition walls, ceiling systems and lining material for marine engine rooms.
Unwanted noise at work or at home often causes problems from mild irritation to more serious loss of sleep, lack of concentration, headaches and compromised privacy. In many cases sound insulation can alleviate this. In flats converted before June 1992 there may have been little or no sound insulation undertaken, particularly on the floor. In July 2003 Building Regulations (Approved Document E – Resistance to the passage of sound) were introduced detailing performance standards for sound insulation on such refurbishment projects. These sound insulation testing requirements came into force for new houses and flats in July 2004. Part E Building Regulations aim to improve sound insulation in houses, flats and apartments as well as in hostels hotels and residential homes. The regulations require testing for both airborne and impact sound. Our sound insulation solutions are designed to help you achieve regulation E compliance.
If you would like to see more details about our range of product and services for Sound Insulation in new builds and conversions and our consultancy services to help with building regulation compliance, please contact us.
Approved Document E – Resistance to the passage of Sound
Below see Quietstone's range of products suitable for sound proofing and sound insulating applications.
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Nab Quarry, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 5SD